Blender il bate pe Steweed
Cum nu fu neam de neam de Simpson care sa se compare in idealuri cu astia doi, iata ca finala se va disputa intre the one and only, miezul Futuramei, buricul universului de metal, intruchiparea caracterului perfect, filantropia si solidaritatea in picioare, BENDER, si sofisticatul din Family Guy, cel care la inaintata varsta de 1 an este maestrul absolut al laserelor si dispozitivelor de control mintal, cel mai fericit rezultat al unei mame insarcinate cu consum de marijuana, englezul nativ, STEWIE GRIFFIN.
Deci unul dintre astia doi este clonat dupa mine. Fara doar si poate. Si cum doar cu cafeluta de seara si flegmele de dimineata nu-mi pot considera menirea pe pamant implinita, trebuie sa aflu care dintre astia doi poarta in el acelasi adn ca si mine, aceeasi grupa sanguina, aceeasi matrita cerebrala si, nu in ultimul rand acelasi ideal in viata. Nu mare lucru acest ideal in viata, o chestie marunta, neinsemnata, dintr-aia care poate parea ridicola dar stii ca pentru tine este tot ce conteaza si singurul loc unde vrei sa ajungi... In cazul de fata idealul putand fi dedus din replicile sau descrierea candidatilor pentru titlu de clonat dupa mine. Iata exemple:
STEWIE: "You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that."
STEWIE: (reading the Bible)" My my, what a thumping good read, lions eating Christians, people nailing each other to two by fours. I'll say, you won't find that in Winnie the Pooh."
STEWIE: "Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!"
STEWIE: (to Death): "Email me at lois must die (all one word) at"
STEWIE: "Well, Well mother we meet again.
Lois: Stewie I thought I tucked you in an hour ago.
Stewie: Not tightly enough it would seem, and now you contemptible harpy, I shall end your oppressive reign of matriarchal tyranny!"
and the best of all...
(Lois walks in on Stewie torturing a bully)
Stewie: We're playing house...
Lois: But that kid is all tied up!
Stewie: Roman Polanski's house.
iar cea mai edificatoare:
Lois: Stewie, say hi to our new neighbor, Officer Swanson.
Stewie: You will bow to me!
Hmm, ce potential are gagiul, sa fi fost si eu asa dotat la 1 an, nu stateam acuma dupa doua decenii si ceva sa-mi scriu bloguri mie insumi...
Deci unul dintre astia doi este clonat dupa mine. Fara doar si poate. Si cum doar cu cafeluta de seara si flegmele de dimineata nu-mi pot considera menirea pe pamant implinita, trebuie sa aflu care dintre astia doi poarta in el acelasi adn ca si mine, aceeasi grupa sanguina, aceeasi matrita cerebrala si, nu in ultimul rand acelasi ideal in viata. Nu mare lucru acest ideal in viata, o chestie marunta, neinsemnata, dintr-aia care poate parea ridicola dar stii ca pentru tine este tot ce conteaza si singurul loc unde vrei sa ajungi... In cazul de fata idealul putand fi dedus din replicile sau descrierea candidatilor pentru titlu de clonat dupa mine. Iata exemple:
STEWIE: "You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence ... gotta get me some of that."
STEWIE: (reading the Bible)" My my, what a thumping good read, lions eating Christians, people nailing each other to two by fours. I'll say, you won't find that in Winnie the Pooh."
STEWIE: "Nothing says "Obey Me" like a bloody head on a fence post!"
STEWIE: (to Death): "Email me at lois must die (all one word) at"
STEWIE: "Well, Well mother we meet again.
Lois: Stewie I thought I tucked you in an hour ago.
Stewie: Not tightly enough it would seem, and now you contemptible harpy, I shall end your oppressive reign of matriarchal tyranny!"
and the best of all...
(Lois walks in on Stewie torturing a bully)
Stewie: We're playing house...
Lois: But that kid is all tied up!
Stewie: Roman Polanski's house.
iar cea mai edificatoare:
Lois: Stewie, say hi to our new neighbor, Officer Swanson.
Stewie: You will bow to me!
Hmm, ce potential are gagiul, sa fi fost si eu asa dotat la 1 an, nu stateam acuma dupa doua decenii si ceva sa-mi scriu bloguri mie insumi...
BENDER. Doar el, ca si mine, s-ar putea trezi din somn transpirat, agitat si strigand "KILL ALL HUMANS!!!"
Totusi niste replici, ca merita:
BENDER: Yeah, well I’m gonna build my own lunar space lander!
With blackjack aaaaannd Hookers! Actually, forget the space
lander, and the blackjack. Ahhhh forget the whole thing!
BENDER: Fry, in order for me to get busy at maximum efficiency, I need a girl with a big 400 ton booty.
BENDER:Bite my shiny metal ass.
Fry: It doesn't look so shiny to me.
Bender: Shinier than yours, meatbag.
BENDER: Fry, of all the friends I've had... you're the first.
Top 10 most used words:
10. Chump
9. Chumpette
8. Yours
7. Up
6. Pimpmobile
5. Bite
4. My
3. Shiny
2. Daffodil
1. Ass
The least likely words Bender will say are:
Words used to describe humans
Pork pouch
Organ sack
Meaty-meaty meat lump
Pets (used in reference to Fry in the episode "I, Roommate")
Mda, acea dragoste pentru specia umana ce poate fi mostenita doar din genele mele. Robotul Bender este clona mea!